Thursday, December 24, 2009

Chrismas Eve...

Well, it has been a heck of a week. I will never complain that I'm bored, that is for sure. Mabel is the most amazing and wonderful baby, I know I've said that before, but she is. I don't know how we would have made it through the last few weeks without her amazing outlook on things. Her ability to adapt has been a life lesson for all of us.

My new diapering system seems to be doing the trick at night. Having the larger diaper with the pad in it has really helped out and we have not had any leaks. This system is talked about a lot by other parents, it wasn't necessary for us for the first few weeks, our other system worked great, but now that she is moving, this is the way to go. One thing I keep learning over and over again, not just with the cast, but as a mother is stay on your toes, just because something worked for a while it will change so be ready to figure something else out. Using our new diapering system has made for a couple of really good nights. We have had three nights of full sleep from mid-night to about six in the morning!

Yesterday when I got home from work, my mother was worried that Mabel's diaper leaked. I checked her and sure enough it had, Mom said she was sleeping on her side at one point. That would do it! She typically stays on her back for naps, well, I'll show mom the size 4 diaper trick today! We'll just put that on her for naps from now on. It took about 45 minutes to dry the cast this time, it wasn't too bad and Mabel was such a good sport. Luckily she still nurses when I get home from work and she just nursed while I used the hair dryer on her cast.

Yesterday Mabel kissed me on the lips! I asked her for a hug and she planted a big kiss on me! I thought maybe it was random but I when I asked again, this time for a kiss and she did it again and again. I kissed her three times she kissed me three times. Zack was leaving but I called for him. He came over and asked her for a kiss and sure enough she did it! Only once though because Zack has a beard right now and she didn't like that. Oh, she is so sweet, my mom was there and of course cried! It seems like everyday when I'm getting ready for work, Mabel pulls out a wonderful new trick to get me to stay and be late!

Mabel's mobility continues to grow. She gets up on "all fours" now. It is up on her hands and toes! She also tries to pull herself up! I'm happy to say I may have to put her crib mattress back down to a lower height if things keep going like they are! I know that once she gets that brace she'll feel so free! I can't wait to see the excitement in her face when she can sit upright or pull herself up!

I have to make a list of baby proofing stuff!

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