Saturday, March 24, 2012

Two Months...

Time is moving way too fast. So Murphy turned two months on Thursday and I'm in total disbelief at how quick the last eight weeks have gone. I'm also bummed knowing soon my maternity leave will be over. Leaving Mabel after my maternity leave was up wad one of the hardest things for me (lots of tears) this time I have to leave both of my babies...I may start crying now. Life is unfair sometimes. Yes I'm lucky...blah,blah,blah...I want to be with my babies! Don't get me wrong I like my job, but being with my babies is the best. I've been so happy.

So Thursday mister man posed on the birthday chair for his two month photo and he didn't disappoint, all smiles. I decided to photograph him in his exposed harness, it is part of his story. He is such a sweet baby and I'm so lucky. After his solo photo shoot Mabel woke from her nap. Murphy needed a new onesie to go over his harness - to protect from spit-ups. Mabel chose his Superman onesie and decided that she need her Supergirl little super heroes! They are both little heroes for sure.

This week has been amazing, the weather has been so nice. We have taken walks every day, Murphy in the babybjorn Mabel on her tricycle. Love it! Wednesday we visited with my step-sister and her little boy for a playdate in their back yard. Poor Mabel was screaming as Ethan chased her laughing all the while, Mabel was so distraught when he chased her - oh the difference between boys and girls. I wonder what Murphy will be like, I also worry what we got ourselves into!

Yesterday Murphy had his two month check up. He us a whopping 11 lbs 4.5 oz! He is getting so big. Yet still so little. He was a champ, all smiles and flirting with the nurse and doctor. They allowed me to nurse him as he got his shots, he only cried a minute and then was fine. He was in such a good mood we all went to lunch with papa after. Murphy sat on papa's lap watching the people and cars outside through the window. Mabel was so trilled! Murphy didn't seem fazed at all by his shots (very different from Mabel) and we went on to have a nice normal day complete with our afternoon bike ride. Papa got to join us too!

Did I ever mention how our upstairs bathroom sink is broken? Well for the last week or so we've been washing our hands and brushing out teeth using the tub. First it wasn't draining, then when I took the trap off we realized it a bigger problem (oldest pipes every) and Zack called hi friend who is a plumber. He replaced parts, snaked the drain and tried to fix it, but after two visits couldn't get it to work right. He said that he had no clue what type of metal that old pipe was made of. He got it seemingly working and said the trap had a small leak, but he'd come back and replace part of the old pipe to fix it. Well, it worked, less a tiny leak at the trap, still not draining well. So we figured ok for now, until we noticed water stains on the living room ceiling! Zack said to me, "Is that new?". I looked up and without thinking said, "Ah shit!". Mabel then said, "Mama, why you said ah shut?". Great right? Good job Lori! Well I acted like nothing, Zack left the room due to laughing so hard and to turn the water off. So it appears all the movement on that old pipe cased it to leak more...classic! I'm telling you, what a bummer. Hopefully Zack's friend will be willing to help us with this, funny how a clogged drain snowballed to this. Just what I needed with my lack of sleep and time. Well, what can you do right? Best I can hope right now is I didn't permanently add the "s" word to Mabel's vocabulary!

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