My mom watched them in the morning as I went to the doctor. Overall we had a good day, but (cue ominous music here) she woke with a cold. Yep, sick...my biggest fear. So I have a sick Mabel and I'm trying to keep her from getting Murphy sick. Zack is worried now we all will be sick for St. Patricks day. That would be our luck - luck of the Irish right? Well, we will see.
Funny story, tonight at bath time Zack got both kids ready. Mabel was in the big tub and Murphy on the floor in the baby tub. The first time she agreed to tandem tubbies. So I begin washing Murphy then it happened - poop explosion in the tub. He pooped! OK why am I shocked? Believe it or not this never happened with Mabel as a baby. On top of if Mabel was in the tub so we couldn't easily clean and refill the tub...classic. I handed Murphy to Zack to hold as I prepared everything to clean him up and then he peed on Zack. We were laughing so hard! Oh Murphy, is this what we are in for with you? Earlier in the day he had projectile spit up as Mabel and I ate lunch. Right over my shoulder - splat on the floor. I'm so glad we weren't on the couch! After each mishap Mr. Murphy had a big goofy smile. Yeah, it does make it all better.
Crazy boy.
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