Poor little man is such a trooper, but he has his limits and today he was not happy. I tried everything the only things that calmed him was the carrier or nursing -any activity other than those he cried and cried. Finally after dinner we gave him some naked time before tubby time and he was so happy! He danced and danced in his little gym. He even reached out and grabbed a toy. My baby is gifted (proud mama). Also I will mention he was reaching and touching my face, when he touched my mouth and I talked he laughed. OK back to the harness woes...Well, one of the shoulder straps on that harness was rubbing his little chest and nipple, even though I put a onesie under it. But he was so happy being naked and in the tub, you couldn't believe his joy when that thing comes off. Well, the worst part was when I had to put it back on. As soon as I took him out of the tub he started to get upset, but didn't cry until I started putting the harness back on. I put a thicker onesie on hoping that protects his chest. The thing is his legs are so strong when he kicks it pulls hard on the shoulder straps and it frustrates him (I don't blame him). So he cried and cried as I strapped that thing back on him. I feel so bad seeing him get so upset. Poor Murphy, tears and everything. I know I have to put it on him to help him, but at the same time I really don't want to. Every time I have to put it back on it kills me. At least with Mabel's cast it was put on by the doctors so we never had to be the jerks that put it on her, when she was in the brace I felt just like this when she fought putting it back on. Oh, come on hip heal...I just hope the doctor has good news for us and we can bid the harness (and harness related tears) good-bye. On a positive note, check out his outfit! Larger onesie and pants compleatly cover the harness but allows his legs to be at the right angle - you'd never know right?
Next ultra sound April 4th. I'm pretty nervous.
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