To add to the fun, Mabel also was yelling at me all morning too, also not listening. She refused to get dress saying she wanted different clothes and then finally chose her outfit after a huge tantrum. Mind you I was only trying to get her dresses for the walk/bike ride SHE really wanted. She wouldn't come with me when i needed to tend to Murphy. She really wanted to go outside, but I had a hell of a time getting her to just get dressed.
When I finally got them ready to go out, I was struggling with her again as Zack got home to visit. Now he probably thinks every day is like this - which it isn't, I promise you!
It is so nice out today, I thought it would be good to get some air and exercise, innocent right? How did it spiral out of control? We did finally get out and take a walk with Murphy in the Baby Bjorn and Mabel on her tricycle. The walk did us good...why did the fresh air make me sleepier but not her? That girl. Sometimes she just digs her heals in and decides all answers are "NO!" and she can't talk without yelling and stomping and crying. It is like she is three years old or something! (ha ha) I will admit I was not at my finest today in response, between being so tired plus the guilt I feel putting the harness back on Murphy as it feels like he is crying seemingly begging me not to...well, it just made me less patient than normal, perhaps she was responding to all that, I don't know.
She is asleep, it is quiet! maybe I will luck out and get to lay down...who am I kidding, right?
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