Well, it has been a little while since I've updated this blog, Mabel's hips are still doing well, although the left still needs to deepen, but that's a whole different story. We've been busy - biggest news is we have a beautiful son! He is the sweetest little guy. Born January 22nd. When he was born his hips were checked and through exam considered normal, but my husband and I decided before he was ever born that no matter what we wanted to request an ultrasound to know for sure if this baby's hips were OK or not. After Mabel's situation of hip dysplasia with a dislocated hip that went undiscovered until she was over eight months, we didn't want to take any chances. We wanted the option of early treatment.
The only risk factor Murphy had was our family history. That was it. Being a boy made him less likely to have hip dysplasia, as well as being born head down and being second born. These were pointed out to us several times. We were hopeful that the odds were in our favor! But I insisted on the ultrasound anyway. At two weeks old we headed to the hospital for an ultrasound. I was surprised it was scheduled so early, even the tech said it was early, but during the exam he saw the left socket was shallow with a slipping joint. I was so disappointed. I knew that they would probably require use of the pavlik harness. At Murphy's one month well baby check-up I asked his pediatrician about the ultrasound report and get this, it never got transferred! She had it transfers asap and after review by the end of the day we were referred to the ortho. I guess if you look on the bright side, we have a great ortho that we know and have a relationship with, so it was less scary to me knowing that. I was anxious just the same and so very disappointed that my son even needed any of this.
So, Murphy had his appointment with the orthopedic yesterday morning and he indeed does have a shallow left hip socket as reported. The ortho said it isn't obvious with the physical exam, but clear using the ultrasound. So as I assumed (and feared) he prescribed a pavlik harness to be worn 24 hours less bath. I called the orthodic center and took the first appointment at 2:30. We went to the orthotic center and he was fitted with a pavlik harness. He is a trooper and doesn't seem bothered too by it. I've already figured out my method of dress is onesie under the harness with a large sleeper over it. To me covering the harness is essential, he spits up and I need to keep the harness clean. You can barely tell he's wearing it.
He's still smiling so that makes me happy. I'll be honest, I'm upset and disappointed that he has hip dysplasia and has to wear this, I'm trying to look on the bright side and be positive. Perspective is this, we caught it early - thank god I insisted on the ultrasound even after they didn't feel anything in the exam. Also, this is better than the spica cast and he can still have a bath and we have permission to remove the boots during diaper changes. I have to be thankful for all that!
Well, we go back in a month for another ultrasound and check up - wish us luck that it will be good then and maybe we will be done with the harness or at the very least the doctor will reduce wear time. Funny thing is now we have been at both ends of the hip dysplasia diagnosis, early detection (harness) and late diagnosis (surgery & spica), guess we are just lucky that way. We make cute kids, just not so good at making the hips!
Look at that little guy...breaks my heart, I mean he loves moving and dancing. He just really discovered the dancing and playing in his gym. He will again i know all that stuff. He just kicked his little legs all the time and just loved to stretch them out. I mean even in my belly he had those legs going all the time! Hopefully this corrects soon, I'm trying not to get down about this...I promise I'll stay positive, I mean compared to Mabel's treatment I really shouldn't even say boo! But the reality is that it is always hard seeing your baby in something like this, even when in the big picture it is minor. The things I want to vent about in my wallowing state: I hate how chubby and squat it makes him look, he's tall and lean. I also am bummed knowing he has some clothes I love that he will probably out grow before he is out of this thing. I admit these are petty and stupid, but I'm allowing myself this pity time. So I accept it all and will continue to be thankful (I mean we've been through worst, right?).