When we found out that our daughter had hip dysplasia at 9 months I searched the Internet for information that would help me be better prepared for the process. Most of the best advice I found was from the personal blogs of other parents dealing with the same issues I was going to face - I just hope my experience can help someone else out there looking for reassurance and answers.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Memorial Day Weekend...
So far we've had a great Memorial Day Weekend. Zack and I were married on Memorial Day 2003 so we have made a tradition of having our "Anniversary Weekend". Of course since Mabel was born she has been part of the fun and this year is no exception.
We started our weekend by picking up a little swing set for the backyard. Mabel has loved going to the park so much that it was getting hectic some days trying to get there before work so I thought having a little swing set in the backyard would give us the option of staying home on days that a jont to the park wouldn't work out for me. We of course will still go to the park as much as we can! Zack and I assembled it on Friday and the look on Mabel's face on Saturday morning was priceless! Mabel's new passion is climbing everything. Stairs, Ladders, furniture...everything - check her out on the ladder of her new slide!
After a ton of fun and pictures on her new swing set, we then went to a local animal park that has rescued wild animals. Mabel had such a blast looking at the deer, raccoons, turkeys, bears and all the other animals - she also loved to baby watch as there were tons of other babies in strollers and walking around. Her favorite animal? This bear cut-out. She thought it was the funniest thing ever (as you can see)! We then took an amazing nap, yes WE, and continued our day by going out for dinner. Mabel was a dream and showed off her new assisted walking skills to everyone we knew. She wooed the restaurant staff and got a hat and balloon. The best part? She fell asleep a little after 7:15!
So after such an amazing Saturday we had a perfect Sunday too. Of course we enjoyed our swing in the morning. We then had breakfast with Zack parents - Mabel again was so good at the restaurant. After breakfast we decided to checkout a new park and spent some time there. Again, Mabel took a record breaking nap - I got to take a little one myself! We in the afternoon went to the store since Mabel broke my last pair of sunglasses and headed to a Memorial Day party (even though it was Sunday). It was a very nice party, there was a 8 month old and a 16 month old there - yet all three girls were roughly the same size, Mabel was smaller than the 16 month old. Of course the "is she walking" question was thrown around at us and this time I answered right away, "No, and this is why..." You know what, it doesn't matter she isn't walking on her own, the walking 16 month old baby couldn't stand up unassisted and never crawled - why is walking seen as the ultimate physical skill right? We then headed home after Mabel made it clear she was done with the party and pulled out the grill and Zack grilled up our dinner. Yum. Mabel got to try corn on the cob for the first time. And then yes, she fell asleep at 7:20!
When my daughter was diagnosed with hip dysplasia I had no idea what to expect, in reality I knew nothing about it and didn't even realize babies could have it! After we realized there was something wrong with my daughter's left leg one night when she was 9 months I googled possible reasons her left leg appeared shorter and read way too much about hip dysplasia. There is a lot of scary facts out there, pretty much all sites repeat the same info, but harder to find is personal experiences of parents who have been there. That is why I created my blog. I hope it can help someone out there facing a simular situation.
We are so lucky that hip dysplasia is a treatable condition and our daughter has adjusted so well. I hope other families going through the treatment can see that they aren't alone in the daily struggles of having a baby in a spica, brace or physical therapy.
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