In the interim Mabel has perfected climbing stairs and pretty much anything. She loves to climb, she will create stairs out of objects to have an excuse to climb! I tried letting her climb on the toddler structures at the playground, but she kept picking up every bit of wood chip that was on it saying "uh-oh" and handing it to me, it took her about 10 minutes to get up to the landing and it was only five steps! What can I say, she's a neat freak like her Mum! Luckily it was early in the morning so Mabel and I were the only ones there.
Since Mabel needs a place that she can really move around and explore outside of home we went to an indoor play area here in town on Sunday. Zack's parents brought Mabel's cousin Issac, Mabel keeps talking about him - well she keeps saying Issac. It was amazing for her (Issac had a great time too!), she got to go anywhere, touch everything and crawl as far as the eye can see. At a crucial point I realized we were so excited to get out of the house that we actually forgot the diaper bag, I know parenting 101! Zack scooted home and got it, Mabel stayed for like two hours, she couldn't have been happier and she took a power nap that afternoon. It was great to see her enjoy herself like that. So these days Mabel lives for the playgrounds. She asks for the swing by saying "sweeee" and swaying back and forth. She is also attempting to stand. On the bed Sunday she would straighten her legs and push herself up to stand. She loved it! Yesterday we practiced standing, she laughs and giggles when I let go and she freestands for a second or two.
Now, not to focus on this, but Mabel was the only crawler at the play area we visited. Well, there was a 10 month old who was crawling, but he would walk if his mom held his hand. I'm not comparing, just noting. Mabel can do what ever she needs to do to get around and I'm confident that she won't be 3 and still crawling, but it is annoying when someone asks her age and realizes she's 17 months, I can see a puzzled almost judging look on their face. I want to say I don't care, but I do sorta care, I don't want people to think there is "something wrong" with her. The mom of the 10 month old noticed Mabel talking and was surprised and commented. She asked Mabel's age and I told her, you could tell she thought Mabel was closer to her sons age. I know, I know, to heck with what people think. Mabel is smart and wonderful and has come a long, long way with her mobility. I guess sometimes I wonder if I need to mention her surgery and casting to put into context the non-walking...but then again I don't want that to define who Mabel is.
Thanks for replying to my message on youtube. I have just gone through nealry all of your blog entries (not read it all but 'flicked' and just wanted to say thankyou. Its great to see someone personal experience of hip dysplasia. We have an appointment on Tuesday with a pediatrician and then we will most probably see an orthopedic surgeon. My daughter is 18 months though and has just started walking, her legs are very turned out and she walks with a limp. I am terrified but your blog has given me reassurance.