Mabel's has been doing great, but still no hints of walking unassisted. She just seems to want to wait for when she can do it right I guess. I'm trying to not over think this (too much). I mean she likes to walk, she will walk around the house holding on to our hands, sometimes she'll do it holding on with one hand. She loves to walk with her cart too, but still no attempts to do it alone. Outside all she wants to do is walk around holding my hands, but she has the death grip on my fingers. The physical therapist doesn't hold on to her hands when she walks, she leans Mabel against her legs and holds Mabel's chest to give her the feeling of stability, I try doing that, but I'm taller than the doctor and it is pretty uncomfortable to do, and honestly not as fun as holding Mabel's hands - I love having her standing next to me like that. The exciting news is this week she stood up alone without holding onto anything for 28 seconds! That's a new world record you know! She can't get up to standing from the floor without pulling herself up on something, but she will stand for a few seconds here and there, but gets so excited about her accomplishment that she starts to laugh and falls over. This 28 seconds is a huge deal and even she knew it. I can tell she is so proud of herself when she realizes what she is doing. Maybe soon she'll just be able to balance there enough she'll feel confident to try a step! The 28 seconds hasn't happened again, she's still averaging about 12 seconds, but she can do it and I think she remembers that.
On a not so fun note Zack has a cold and it looks like we are all getting one now...oh no!
Check out the picture of Mabel enjoying fresh cherries! She loves her fruit...and cookies, I made the mistake of making a little batch of "baby cookies" for her. I hardly put sugar in them, but oh boy...every other word out of that little girls mouth now is "Cookie!"
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