With that said, Mabel's progress is wonderful. Her physical therapy session yesterday went very well and the therapist was quite impressed with her change over the past week. Mabel's new attempts of standing on her own have grown to about 10 seconds of free standing before she gets so excited that she starts laughing and falls over. She will let go of what she is using to support herself and throw her hands above her head and start smiling! The longest was just Wednesday when I got home from work, I was on the floor with her and she tried to stand up from the floor and grabbed on to me and just stood there - smiling. Not only is it the cutest thing I've ever seen, but it is also so impressive since she is becoming more daring. She also will forget that she isn't holding on to furniture sometimes as she plays standing up, so I think it is only a matter of time before her balance is perfected.
Walking is Mabel's new passion. At home she wants to use her walker (best purchase I've made in a long time!) or hold on to furniture. At the park she demands to walk every where. Most times she can manage if I hold one hand, it is slow moving, but she is able to walk in the grass or from the swings to the slide that way. Other times I hold both of her hands and she walks in front of me - she sometimes "runs" when we do this. It is both weird and amazing to see her upright so often, I just know when she gets this walking down there will be no stopping her!
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