Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Perfect Weekend...

So this weekend was the best! Saturday we headed out for a nice walk on the island. Mabel has never really been for a walk in the "woods". It was a beautiful morning and since we were up bright and early we headed out and got there before the parking had filled up. Mabel loved seeing all the trees and birds. We sat on a swing and she snacked on her banana and then fell asleep in her stroller. She took a nice long nap as we finished our walk and slept in the car so Zack was able to run into a couple of stores on our way home to complete our errands as I sat in the car watching that little angel sleep!

Easter Sunday was so much fun. I had painted and reupholstered an antique rocking chair that my grandmother had. My mom had brought it over about two weeks ago and I've been working away on it. We also...I mean the Easter Bunny also "hid" some eggs (in plan sight, she's one!) for Mabel with toys in them and got her a stuffed fairy doll, a onesie with a cupcake on it and put some candy in her Easter bucket for Mama and Papa (again she's only one)! So we had a very fun and exciting morning watching Mabel find the eggs and open them and discover her bucket and doll. She was so excited. Her little PJ's are courtesy of my Brother, his wife and daughter. It is a little union suit with Mabel's name and some Easter Eggs on the Bum - so cute watching her crawl around. Later that morning we visited my mom at her house where the Easter Bunny also visited and then enjoyed a great brunch just the three of us. We were worried that a restaurant may be a disaster since Mabel only slept about 20 minutes that morning, but she charmed everyone in the restaurant blowing kisses and saying "hi" and then in the afternoon after Mabel's nap Zack's parents stopped by.

Yesterday, also known as Mabel & Mama Monday was also wonderful. We had such a great day. Since it was so nice we blew bubbles on the deck. I made the realization that she is so mobile that relaxing on the deck is quite different than last year and in the fall when she was in her cast. I'm considering one of those baby gate pay yard things...we'll see. We read books crawled around tons and Mabel discovered that she could go up about five stairs (under Mama's supervision of course). Mama then put up the baby gate! We took a wonderful afternoon walk since Mabel said she didn't need a nap and then Papa came home. I love Mondays!

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