OK, so I wasn't happy with how the sleep training was going. I know we had great success with this system before, but Mabel was much younger and she hadn't been through everything that she has gone through with her treatments. A no-cry solution is only no cry if the baby isn't screaming bloody murder. I can't take her crying like that and when she clings to me for dear life as I try to put her in her crib, that is not how I want her to think of bedtime. I realize three months of bad sleep won't be undone in a couple of days so we are taking a more gradual approach. I have to feel what I'm doing is right for her, yes I want Mabel to be able to sleep well so in turn we can sleep well, but I also want Mabel to feel good about bedtime. A tall order, but we can figure it out with minimal screaming... I hope!
Mabel is adjusting so well to life in her brace. She is moving great and pulling herself to sitting and still loves to play her piano as you can see! Her legs are already gaining muscle tone, the right leg she will stretch straight out (she is so tall), but she still keeps the left in the spica cast position, I'm sure that will take some time.
It has only been a little over a week since we lost the cast, but it feels like a distant memory - I like that. I love having bath time back and most of all my soft squishy baby. Mabel is sure to continue to amaze me with her new abilities, that I'm sure of.
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