The diaper changing has really fallen into place and she does seem to sleep better in the brace than the cast *knock on wood*. The last couple of nights have been much better nights. Sunday to Monday she woke for two hours around midnight, Monday to Tuesday she didn't wake during the night but woke super early at 5:20am and last night I just had to tend to her around 11pm when she woke, but she fell right back to sleep. Hopefully the sleeping will improve and we can pick up where we left off before the spica cast came into our life. I imagine the brace is much more comfortable since she doesn't have an inch thick thing around her waist making laying on her tummy or back a weird angle. The brace makes it so when she is on her tummy, like she likes to sleep, she is flat, the only thing going around her waist on the front is a strip of Velcro!
So I have to say all is getting back to normal around here, Mabel seems happy and that makes everyone happy. Last night Mabel and I were cuddling on the couch before bedtime and she kept putting her foot on my chin and giggling. I was cradling her and I thought: "wow she hasn't been able to do that in a long time...wait a minute is she doing that?" I opened up her sleep sack and she had some how bent her knees into each other. The adjustable screw on the bar of the brace was loose and it went from like a 90 degree angle to like a 60 degree. Zack got a screwdriver and we had to tighten that back up. Poor Mabel, she was so excited. I have a feeling we'll have to keep checking that!
I'm back at work as of yesterday - our horrible vacation has come to an end, maybe next time we are on vacation we won't have the worst cold in the world! I'm still getting over mine - yuck!
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