Ok, this morning we noticed a very yucky smell originating from Mabel's cast. I had gotten a whiff of it the other day when I got home from work and Zack noticed it too. It doesn't smell like pee or poop, but it doesn't smell fresh either. That stupid cast!!! I got a flash light and looked inside for any sores or skin problems but didn't see anything. We are so careful when we change her and I wipe inside of her cast every day and at every change. Everyone said there is no way to prevent the cast from getting soiled but this is my personal quest. Well, after another sleepless night and a stinky cast I couldn't deny they had to be related. I fished around in that cast and found a pocket of padding above her left hip that was wet!!!! Wet with all I can imagine is pee! My baby had pee on her. We used the hair dryer on cool for over an hour and I was able to get my finger in there to get the air in and we were able to get it dry. It had to be it because she fell asleep when we were drying it, it must have felt so much better to her. I then got water proof tape right up in there, it seems like maybe it was wicking out of her diaper into that spot of extra padding. I'm happy to report she smell soooo much better! I also found her skin was a bit raw there...could that go with the lack of sleep? So last night I make extra sure that area was dry at bed time and we gave her a little Tylenol in case she had pain and (even though it freaks me out) Mabel wanted to sleep on her tummy...she only woke once. She was so much happier in the morning. I think that may have been what was bugging her! I can't blame her, poor thing was probably wondering what was wrong with us not changing her out of the hard wet pants!
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