We tried everything to induce a nap, including but not limited to: Nursing with Mumma laying down in the big bed, rocking in the rocking chair with the shades drawn and sound machine on, Reading our good-night books, and then the finally attempt...car ride. Mabel never was one of those kids that fell asleep in the car, only after and exciting out or a day without naps and an exciting time out! She is just too excited to look around and see everything to sleep - story of her life!
We had made plans with Mabel's Granma & Granpa (Zack's Parents) to go to lunch and enjoy live Irish music at 3pm...so we were desperate for a nap...no such luck so at about 1:30 we try the car ride...nope! She just hooted and giggled the whole time until we got to the restaurant at 3, she's crazy but so very cute. She also did a poo so we had a crash course on changing a baby in the spica in the car. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. We just put her on the front seat first on her tummy cleaned her up tucked the diaper then flipped her over cleaned the front real good tucked the diaper and we were done! I'm glad we finally had to do it so we know we can.
Lunch went great. Mabel had a great time eating out and visiting with her grand parents. She bopped and danced and ate her bits and rice rusk. She loves a good party! She did not fall asleep on the way home (thank god b/c I wouldn't want her to ruin her bed time) she was excited to point at every light we passed. She ate her dinner when we got home and we did tubby time and she was in bed around 6pm! But...up at 7...then 9:30...then 11...then it just gets fuzzy...
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