The reality is her cast change hasn't been scheduled yet with the hospital. She will need to be sedated and under anesthesia again. The last time we were waiting for the hospital to schedule we know how long that took! Plus with the holidays I'm sure her appointments will be pushed back...I'm thinking she'll be in that cast an extra week or so because of scheduling. Who knows right now, but who cares right now ITS THURSDAY!
I won't talk about sleep in this entry...lets say it wasn't great last night. Today I want to talk about Mabel's eating and well, what comes out. I've read advice online by other parents that advise against introducing new foods while in the cast in case of intolerance. Since Mabel is now 11 months we have not lived by this rule although I can see the merit in it. We have been (knock on wood) very lucky with Mabel and solid food adventures. She really has liked most everything we have given her and has yet to have any kind of reaction so we are very lucky. With that said Mabel has been a bit more "spit-up-y" lately due to the cast pushing on her tummy. She wants to eat the same amount as before, I've tried smaller meals but good luck explaining that to her! Another thing the spica does is slow down the digestive track since she isn't moving as much as before. I'm always really looking at the poo that comes out to make sure it looks normal and not too firm. We've had a couple of days of missed poos, but we try to make sure she gets enough good fibrous foods, which isn't a problem for her seeing she loves her fruits and veggies. She is also more gassy due to the lack of movement and inability to work those gas bubbles out as before so we are having to burp her like a baby which isn't so bad, she seems to get a kick out of it and I've giving her the Mylicon drops again here and there with dinner to see if that helps...I'm not convince it makes a difference, but it is worth a try since it worked when she was 3 months and colicky right? Look how excited she gets when she tries something new! Who could deny her (and us) that joy?
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