The otherside of it was that Mabel and I had so much fun. She wasn't happy that I left in the morning for my doctors appointment. I guess she gave her Papa a run for his money. When I got home she was asleep in his arms...he assured me "it had just happened ten minutes ago". Mabel and I played on the floor working on our crawling skills, but she mostly wanted me to hold her, that is typical of Mondays, I think she knows the next day I go to work. We had lots of laughing and fun playing on the floor, she was so giggly. I've noticed she has really been in a great mood since she's been freed from the brace. She has been sleeping so much better too (dare I say out loud!). We then went into the kitchen and made some baby food together - today we made a Mango and Cherry blend - yum! We played some more then had lunch at noon. That is the origin of this picture and video below. She was having so much fun, and how much does she love being able to use her highchair again! I don't know what was going on with her hair, she woke up with it like that and with our lack of water (remember the broken water main I talked about) I couldn't make it stay down so she has major bed head, but she's still so cute! The footie pajamas are are result of no heat, it was getting pretty cold so we had to stay warm! Later she took an amazing nap and even slept through the washer repair guy using a shop vac! She got up from her nap refreshed and giggly again and then Papa came home. A great day.
I was able to get her new carseat into my car so now I can return the rental carseat to the hospital. I'm so happy to have that gone. It was just a symbol of this whole ordeal. Now that I have her new carseat in my back seat when I look in my car I feel really good having a visual reminder of how far we've come.
So far so good with no brace. Mabel had a great day expect she didn't want to go to sleep, she was having too much fun I guess! I'm very anxious about her physical therapy on Thursday, but I really can't wait to hear what they say at the same time. I've been reassured on my online forums by parents that PT isn't unusual - but at the same time a physical therapist said she never treated a hip kid after a spica like Mabel, but she did go on to say she can see the advantage of doing it. We'll see how it goes!
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