At first he suggested we have her brace free for all waking hours, but after reviewing her x-rays again and examining her he consulted with another doctor in the practice and they both agreed that the risk of her hip becoming dislocated again is currently out weighed by the stiffness in the joint, so we are discontinuing the use of the brace and starting physically therapy this week.
I'm concerned...there is no other way to put it, oh yeah there is, I'm worried and scared to death that her hip will dislocate again. I trust the doctors, I do. Our doctor is very good and seems very cautious and meticulous and the other doctor in the practice that has also been involved has been doing pediatric orthopedics for over 30 years, but I'm worried since all that I've read and researched says that babies don't need physical therapy after a spica, that only older babies like two or three need it and it is very rare for a baby Mabel's age to need any PT. Also frustrating is how little info I can even find about PT and hip dysplasia. Right now my excitement of not using the brace is clouded by my worry.
I've looked into the physical therapist that Mabel will be seeing this week and she looks wonderful, so hopefully that will ease my fears. I'm very anxious to see what she has to say and what she will want to do. We go this Thursday.
Mabel is doing so well brace free. She has slept beautifully the last two nights and she is so happy during the day. She is moving around really well and doing all kinds of new tricks, like winking. She's a funny girl! I'm so glad I have her to get me through this stuff!
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