Yesterday was my baby's very first birthday. I was excited all day about her party and I think she too had a wonderful time! We had a party for her in the afternoon after we got home from work, Zack had to arrange to come home early for it at 4:00. We had thought about having the party on the weekend before Mabel's birthday for planning reasons and it was a bit hectic getting things ready right after work with only a half an hour to spare, but it worked out great and it was on Mabel's actual birthday like I really wanted to it was prefect.
I think Mabel was confused as to what the heck was going on! It started out in the morning I had the dining room all decorated for her - we were going for a circus theme. She came in pointing at everything! We let her open a gift...A new dish set! Yay! She loved it, one-year-olds love everything, it's great! She had her birthday breakfast eggs on her new plate and her birthday oatmeal in her new bowl and water, I mean birthday water, out of her new cup. FYI: If you hate plastic stuff for kids here is Mabel's new dish set, before this she had bamboo that was great but that got cracked when she dropped it, this is much more durable it is stainless steel dinnerware for kids.
The mid-morning and rest of the day went like normal, Zack headed to work and I did too, after running around and cleaning, etc. Mabel cried when I left, that is new for her. I wish I could have spent the whole day with her. When 10:30 rolled around at work I thought, "Last year at this time Mabel was being born!" Crazy how quickly a year can pass and how having a baby really marks that year!
I rushed home picking up balloons on the way - Mabel HAD to have balloons! I got a dozen red, yellow, blue balloons...they were huge! They actually did fit in the car to my disbelief and home I went. I quickly did the last minute things and it was perfect since Miss Mabel (AKA: The Birthday Girl) was still asleep on Memere (my mom). Mabel woke when the first guests arrived, my step sister and her 3 month old. Then came Zack's sister, his father and then Zack's granma and his mom. My dad arrived shortly after and then Zack's sister and three kids. It was the perfect amount of people, in fact it was a bigger turnout than we expected! Mabel did great entertaining her guests and considering she was still all confused from waking up, not nursing and it was pushing dinner time she did great. We opened gifts, she ate cake and dinner, she liked her tofu better than the cake! Of course I made her a very special apple spice cake with cream cheese frosting...Hey, it was still very sweet! She did like it. You could tell she had no clue what the heck was going on, why were all these people staring at her! She sat like a queen in her booster seat at the head of the table! My birthday girl.
So overall it was a great time had by least the three of us. And considering we had a 3 month old, 1 year old that was being pushed to her limits of over stimulation, and hadn't nursed yet since her mum got home and three small children it went very smoothly! Plus she wore the birthday hat I made her almost the whole time! Good job and Thank you everyone!
Happy Birthday My Mabel!
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