We had lots to do, but with a one-year-old who won't nap to give you that time you need you don't get much done...lets just say I still need to vacuum, but that's OK, I'll find sometime today.
What we did do was much more fun than vacuuming, that says a lot because I love to vacuume. We went to a Toys for Tots fundraiser and we donated some toys for kids Mabel's age. We decide before Mabel was even born that every year we would have Mabel choose a toy to give to someone who isn't as fortunate as we are. I think it is important for her to learn to give as well as receive gifts. Our reward for our donation? Another picture with Santa...or at least an attempt of a picture with Santa. The first picture with Santa didn't go so well. I mean it went great for the fact that I love pictures of babies crying while sitting on Santa's lap, but for Mabel was no fun. This picture we tried to take our picture with the three of us, Mabel didn't even sit on Santa...but she still didn't look happy!
We did a little holiday shopping on the way home, debated getting lunch out and decided to go home instead, good thing because Mabel decided to make give us a gift of her own, a nice full diaper. We ate lunch and tried to settle back down for another nap and again Mabel just dozed...soooo....She and I made some baby food together. She loves that since she gets to sample the yummy stuff I make for her before I freeze it, on the menu was apples and cranberries - yum! Mabel sits in her stroller for these type of adventures. When every Mabel needs to be in the room and I or Zack or someone isn't there to hold her she sits and plays in her stroller since she can't really sit in the cast or play on the floor laying down in the kitchen, so the stroller is a lifesaver. We have toys that just attach to it and I usually will put her near the window so she can look around.
Later that afternoon we decide to go to a holiday craft sale. It could have gone horribly wrong since at this point Mabel hadn't slept for more than an hour all day, but we had lots of fun! We had to go since we heard that you could get your picture taken with the Yeti, I mean how many chances in your life do you get that? Mabel was beyond tired by the time dinner came around, I wish I were better at getting her to nap, but she went to bed around 8:10pm and only woke a couple times needed my help by being stuck on her side or attempting to roll. She did cry a lot in her sleep but didn't need me to settle her down, she just cried and stopped.
We stayed up way to late making stuff for Christmas, but that's OK...I mean look at our picture with the Yeti! If you ask me, Mabel's response is the correct response to seeing a Yeti for the first time...she is a smart baby!
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