So this past weekend we decided Mabel needs new shoes. Her size fours were getting small. It makes me laugh to think in April she was only a size two. Certainly walking does encourage the feet to grow! My little mobile Mabel now measures a size 5.5! I couldn't believe it. So we got some cute little sandals and sneakers. It makes me happy seeing those feet grow, but as a Mummy I do get teary thinking of her growing so fast. She's a true toddler - but always my baby!
We had a great week and weekend. Nothing too exciting, just fun. We took a Saturday ice cream trip - who doesn't love that? We also chose some perennial flowers for Mabel's Garden in the back yard. Mabel loved walking around the nursery pointing at things and smelling flowers. Zack likes to pick a flower for Mabel when he comes home so we got some daisies and black-eyed Susans for the back walk way as well as a hydrangea. We aren't gardeners but it looks nice. Next spring Mabel will love picking the flowers! Sunday as we left a store Mabel got a scare when I fell in the parking lot caring her! I tripped over a break in the hard-top and went right down, I did all I could to protect Mabel and she didn't even touch the ground. My knees on the other hand didn't fair so well and now Mabel is quick to talk about my "boo-boo knee." Poor little thing - poor me. I'm still shaken up thinking how she could have gotten hurt! She was fine until people ran over to us, then she cried, but she seemed fine shortly after. Me? Ouch I'm sore, it hasn't been a great weekend for me since on that same foot I stubbed my toe really bad Saturday night. I'm a mess...Better me than Mabel!
Yesterday Mabel and I went again to the indoor play center. She loves it there and I'm so proud of her. Her interaction is really good, she shares and she listens. She asks "please" when she wants something and watching her explore is so much fun for me. I think the play center is a great addition to our Monday routine on rainy days. We were hoping for the park, but this was better to be honest with you. Also, the talking is still going great. "Pineapple" and "Zucchini Bread" were added this weekend not only to her vocabulary but her diet! She is just too great! Every day is an adventure!
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