So we had our typically Thursday morning again, complete with the rushing around so we could leave the house by 7:50 to get to physical therapy. I was actually very excited to show the doctor how good Mabel has been walking. I also was very nervous that she may pick up on something wrong with it too.
Mabel instantly started off by pointing out the new ball that was in the ball area. She also has taken to using "s" after words both for plural and possessives. I don't know why she focused on that detail but I think it is so cute. The other morning she pointed at my fork at breakfast and said "Mama's" and then hers "Mabel's" and of course "Papa's". She also will say cookies, babies for her two dolls and a books, stuff like that. I was impressed, but the doctor - she was blown away. She was also very happy with Mabel's walking, although (as I feared) she noticed that Mabel is pointing her left foot out as she steps. She also commented that Mabel may be flat footed? But then said it may just look that way because of her knee alignment so she can't tell for sure. So Mabel walked around holding two baby dolls, saying "Dolls", "Two Babies" and stuff like that and the doctor couldn't get over it. She keeps saying how smart Mabel is for her age and of course I think she's a genius, I mean what mother doesn't think that about her child, but the doctor said, "No, she is way ahead!". She said to me that with what she does she has to keep track of developmental skills as well as physical because with the kids she sees she needs to sometimes figure out if their physical problems are part of developmental set backs. She pulled out some books and looked through based on what Mabel was doing. She said that seeing Mabel identify red, green, yellow, purple and blue - by showing her the colored peg and saying the word was a 36 month skill. She then said using the possessive term and plural term is typically a 42-47 month skill. I thought she was going to die when I told her how Mabel makes her dolls say "Hi Mabel" in a high pitched voice...she was like "Pretend Play!" That's off the charts!
So yes, Mabel is gifted - but I knew that! I love hearing it. Seriously, Mabel is really smart and she always has had a focused personality even as a very young baby. I worry sometimes, I mean when she was younger she was never one of those babies that just sat there all goofy, drooling and laughing at their hands. She was always so serious and aware. She knows how to have fun, but I don't want her to over think things...like me!

Anyway, we had a great physical therapy session and go back next week. The doctor said it is just some tweaking of her walking. She put some kinesio tape on Mabel's leg to help encourage the foot to stay forward. It does seem to help. Mabel loves her tape, she gets it from time to time. The doctor puts band aids on it to hold it down and Mabel loves to point them out - this time it was "Finding Nemo" themed. So this week we just keep walking and the doctor will see how she looks next week. I guess the muscle group in the back of her left leg is still undeveloped and that is what is causing her to lock her knee and turn her foot out...that stupid spica cast. It has been six months and we are still working out the kinks! So we will keep going to our physical therapy sessions until everything looks good, I was a little disappointed we haven't graduated yet to "normal", but what is "normal anyway right? Honestly I'm fine with going back to our weekly visit, Mabel even likes going. I'm just so thankful we are in physical therapy, I would recommend it to anyone who's baby was in a spica cast - I guess the secret is to find a really good pediatric therapist too!