Mabel loves baby dolls. At physical therapy she plays with the baby dolls. At the in door play area she will carry one around (or should I say drag it) joyfully exclaiming "Baby Doll!". I cringe everytime I see her hug one of those things or kiss it knowing the crap that is in them from all my over obsessive research. So I've looked and we've tried fabric dolls, sure she likes them, but not like those plastic things. Finally I found one by a German doll company Kathe Kruse. Yes it is plastic, but it is the safest plastic rated that I could find. Not a cheep doll either, but it is worth the extra safety and from what I could find it is the safest I can get. I found one on EBay for less than half of retail (yeah me!) and she still had her tags on!
We go it in the mail and Mabel knew it was for her. At first I wanted to wait for Christmas or her birthday, but hey as Zack said no one ever asks what they got for their 2nd birthday or 3rd Christmas right? She doesn't care. So here is Mabel's baby doll.
I asked Mabel what she wants to name her. "Papa" she said. I said "Oh, you can't name her we already have a Papa in the family." She thinks and smiles, "Baby Doll." So it is our new member of the family. Mabel is a little Mummy.
Oh and for all those people who say, "its just a doll, it isn't like she's going to eat it!" well exhibit 'A'.
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