So this week Mabel has really worked on her crawling skills. She's moving now, she's also more daring with her standing abilities, "Look Mom no hands" type of standing, not free standing yet, but standing with her belly against the ottoman and playing. She's also amazingly sweet with her stuffed animals trying to feed them her snacks or bottles and playing patty cake, itsy bitsy spider and other games with them. Right now her favorite is her stuffed cat Mineo. She's sooo cute! When she wants Mineo she meows.
Physical therapy this week went so well. Mabel showed off her new crawling and standing skills and our physical therapist was beyond impressed and happy. The therapist is still working on those tight back muscles and trying to get her to stand with more weight on the left leg, but overall Mabel had a blast "playing" on the giant yoga ball and blowing bubbles. She had a great nap in the late morning and now that I'm back to my part time work schedule I was able to be home at my usual 3:45 and have some fun playing time with my girl both Thursday and Friday! That makes a Mama happy!
Speaking of happy, look at this baby move!
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