On Wednesday she started exclusively crawling on her knees, no army crawl at all anymore. My mom told me that during the day if Mabel started to army crawl she would just say to her "Crawl like a big girl" and Mabel would get right back on her knees. After that she just kept crawling like a big girl in general. I have to say of all weeks for this transition to happen has made me a bit sad since I haven't had me extra two hours a day with her and my schedule only gives me Sunday off until the following weekend...but enough about my guilty working mommy feelings...
Thursday morning as I got Mabel dressed she was crawling around her room and when she saw Zack in the hall getting ready she crawled (like a big girl) over the the baby gate and stood up - Turning Point! Later that morning we had a physical therapy session. The physical therapist commented on how wonderfully amazing this all is as Mabel showed off her new moves. Also, Mabel has really become so much more comfortable with her physical therapist that she was laughing and being so silly and funny that the physical therapist commented on how wonderful Mabel is. I told her we of course think so and she said, "She is, she really really is!" Makes a Mummy feel proud to hear that.
Then Friday Mabel had her check-up with her orthopedic. He examined her hips, moved her legs around and told us: "Everything officially looks normal". Normal? Really? Her hips are now normal?! Zack and I were floating on air all day - good thing because we both had long days, but floating none-the-less! Yes, the official word is Mabel's hip is functioning like it should. Her left hip is in the right place and isn't slipping at all, her flexibility and movement are exactly where they need to be and the stability is there. The doctor was happy, we were thrilled and Mabel had a busy day of crawling around like a big girl. When I got home I was greeted at the door by a Mabel crawling on her knees, no army crawl. Oh, I'm a happy mum!
So, Zack and Mabel have a Papa and Mabel Saturday today, I know Mabel has missed her Papa the last couple of days since he hasn't been here for her dinners and baths. I have to work a few hours but not a long day and we have tomorrow off together. Last week the three of us enjoyed the beautiful weather on Saturday - this week we hope tomorrow we can get out and do something fun too.
Now I'm happy to think of our life as not revolving so much around Mabel's hip. We have another check up with the orthopedic in a month and we have two more sessions scheduled in physical therapy. So, we'll see what April has to bring!
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